Food & Drink Magazine

The Conclusion: Sainsbury’s “On The Go” Lunch Range!

By Pepper Bento

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the Sainsbury’s On the go range which was less of a “review” and more “the many reasons these aren’t great and you wouldn’t want to buy them”.

Well, I visited that same supermarket, not a surprise really as most cooks spend a surprisingly sad amount of time in said shops, and what did I see in the “bargains we’re giving away section”?

Sainsbury's on the go range sale

It seems like only yesterday when they were just being launched, now to be chucked in the bargain basement, their 15 minutes of shelf fame over. Sniff sniff.

Either I have a huge cult following that I don’t know about (do my bidding cultists!!!) or I’m not alone in thinking these are just a little bit naff.

Sorry giant carrot, we just don’t love you.

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