Entertainment Magazine

The Clog Hunt Occasional Collapsing Knitting Society: Lunch Should Always Be Quietly Threatening

Posted on the 06 December 2017 by Hctf @hctf
The Clog Hunt Occasional Collapsing Knitting Society: Lunch should always be quietly threatening

Experimental guitar duo The Clog Hunt Occasional Collapsing Knitting Society played a short set on December 1st at the Methodist Church in Hebden Bridge to support The Soup Dragon, a charity that offers soup, sociability and support every Friday. The set is now released on >Lunch should always be quietly threatening. Colin Robinson and Michael Linden West were in an ambient mood for the occasion, going at the deep end for two pastoral excursions and a bit more noisy Coda.

Robinson and West are making it up as they go along, grabbing musical ideas out of thin air. With just two guitars and minimal set of pedals and devices they created a stew that will enjoyed by six string geeks, Krautrock buffs and anyone who can handle meandering musings pouring down into their ears. An acquired taste for most, but a healthy treat for avant-garde fans.

The Clog Hunt Occasional Collapsing Knitting Society:
Michael Linden West: guitar & devices
Colin Robinson: guitar & devices

The Clog Hunt Occasional Collapsing Knitting Society: Lunch should always be quietly threatening

Lunch should always be quietly threatening is a self-released albbum. Buy it from their website. All profits from the sales of this album will go to The Soup Dragon.

  1. Overture - a proud song
  2. 1st Movement - If you must make a noise, make it quietly
  3. 2nd Movement - O Grand Soup!
  4. Coda - Our God's Pan

» Michael Linden West on Soundcloud
» Jumble Hole Clough on Facebook

HCTF review of Live on Recycle Radio 1st October 2016.

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