The persecuted Christians in Odisha, India thank you for your support. Several families are living in the jungle because of severe persecution from Hindus in their village. You can read about their situation here. We included a link to a special GoFundMe page that has been set up to help those who have lost their homes. We are almost one-third of the way toward the goal to help these brothers and sisters.

Our last update looked at how the donated funds are being used to feed and clothe the families. We remember Hebrews 13:3 and the importance of praying for our fellow believers who are suffering for the Gospel of Christ.
We are thankful to our brother Jehu and for keeping us updated about the needs of the families. They are not able to return to their village and the government is not doing anything to help them move to another location. They have no way to earn money to purchase supplies, so they pray to God for help.
Jehu plans to make another trip to bring supplies to them as Christians around the world help with donations. He says the families need clean water, food, medical supplies, clothing, blankets and solar lights.

Clean water is a big issue for the families. They report getting ill because of the lack of clean water. Since it appears the families will have to remain in the jungle for some time, Jehu and others are looking into the cost of drilling for water. Drilling and a pump would be about 130, 000 INR, which is about $1,753 USD at current exchange rates.
Please continue to pray for the persecuted Christians in Odisha, India and consider supporting them through the GoFundMe account.
GoFundMe Fundraiser for Persecuted Christians in OdishaThank you!
Faith & Self Defense © 2021