Earlier this month I asked you to pray for a group of Christians in India who were experiencing severe Hindu persecution in the area of Odisha. They were run out of their village and are now living in the jungle. We included a special GoFundMe page that has been set up to help those who have lost their homes. We are almost one-third of the way toward the goal to help these brothers and sisters.
We are thankful for people who have responded and the money donated has been used to purchase needed supplies for the families. We remember Hebrews 13:3 and the importance of praying for our fellow believers who are suffering for the Gospel of Christ.
Our brother Jehu and others were able to visit with the persecuted Christians recently and bring them supplies that you helped fund. Here is his report.
After a lot of praying, we got an opportunity to meet our suffering families at a neutral place named Kalyansinghpur, Rayagada, and provide them relief. So, yesterday on 19 th, July 2021 early in the morning we four of us travelled. As we are travelling, we are somewhat happy for the privilege to see and talk to them but also at the same time afraid to visit them because we know the area is hostile to the message of the Gospel and to the Christians living there. We travelled 150 km in a rented car and then reached the destination.

Due to restrictions by the police, one member from each family had come to receive our gifts, so a total of thirteen members from thirteen families came. We started our fellowship by a word of prayer. Then I shared the word from the Scripture Luke 9:23-26. I encouraged them to continue to follow Christ in the midst of suffering because Christ has done the same for us on the cross. I talked about the promised eternal life in Christ, if we continue to acknowledge Him. I told them that their lives and testimonies are an example for all the Christian brothers and sisters around the world.

After sharing the message, I asked one of the members to share his testimony. He shared his testimony about the incident and their present condition. He also told us that they need our support, they do not have clean water to drink, they have lost their earnings and livelihood. They used to work in the cultivation of the lands and earn but they have lost their lands now. They told us that they need help regarding the medical expenses and they need proper clothes etc.
I told them that people have sent some gifts and are praying for you all. We distributed the gifts to them and they were happy. They expressed their gratitude to all of you for supporting them. Please continue to pray for them. I told them that we would continue to pray for them and support them. After this, we again prayed and we hugged and departed to our places.
After meeting the believers and the pastor there, I cried. I felt that these people are courageous in their faith but still are afraid of Hindu fundamentalists. I felt it was my privilege to hear from them and minister them. After being with these believers, I remembered the first century Christians who were suffering for their faith. I thanked the Lord for giving me this opportunity to listen to them. My friends, it is hard to be a Christian in this area. I felt that it is easy to be a professing Christian when no one is hostile to Christ and His followers. Moreover, I thought it is easy to confess Christ when you have everything in life. These people live in the areas where most of the people are hardcore Hindus and the areas are filled with a lot of temples. They live with a feeling that anytime they can be attacked for their faith. The pastor and the believers are afraid but they continue to live for Christ.

Fellow believers, please continue to help them and pray for them.
In Christ,
Jehu L
Thank you, Jehu. The Christians of Odisha will continue to need our help for a long time. I know Jehu and the people behind the GoFundMe fundraiser personally. Thank you for your support.
GoFundMe Fundraiser for Persecuted Christians in Odisha Faith & Self Defense © 2021