We are sharing a burden God placed on our hearts many years ago. We began with radio programs and a literature ministry in the Western Hemisphere in the early 1970s. That expanded to an online ministry in 1995 that led to contact with Christians in more than 200 countries and territories around the world.
We have a special burden for people living in the 10/40 Window. We invite you to read Part One of the series for background on that area of the world.
Pakistan - Ratio Christi
GraceLife is currently involved in supporting multiple ministries in Pakistan. You can read about the first ministry we highlighted here.
The second ministry is Ratio Christi International. Ratio Christi is Latin for The Reason of Christ.
I've been involved with Ratio Christi for almost ten years serving at local, state and national levels. Ratio Christi is an international apologetics and evangelistic ministry working with high school and university students as well as local church leaders.
One of the countries where Ratio Christi is active is Pakistan. They are involved in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with students and other members of the community. They equip young people and pastors with Christian Apologetics, especially how to answer Islam. They go city to city, village to village to equip Christian youth about faith in Christ.
Ratio Christi in Pakistan has many financial needs to carry on their great work. One of their big needs is for a ministry vehicle for traveling with free books and team members. They also need our prayers for God's guidance and protection.
You can contact the Regional Director in Pakistan here. You'll also see a Donate button to support their work in the predominately Muslim country.
"... you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
Acts 1:8b
Ratio Christi Ministry to Equip Young People in Pakistan
Ratio Christi Ministry Apologetics Training for Christians in Pakistan
Ratio Christi Apologetics Training for Pastors in Pakistan
You can also learn more about the ministry of Ratio Christi in Pakistan through their Facebook page.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.