Family Magazine

The Budding Artist (‘Life’s a Journey’ Nostalgia Link-Up, Week 38)

By Saveeverystep @saveeverystep

This post is part of a weekly series of ‘link-up’ Posts which reflect on life’s journey, old memories and family stories (see below for more info).


There was a time when I fancied myself as a bit of an artist. I am sure that my parents breathed a hefty sigh of relief when I relinquished the idea of penniless living and got a real, proper, boring job instead. I realised that I didn’t have the stamina for 4 years of art school with no money to go boozing, so at the age of 18 I packed away my pastels and went in to insurance. WTF was I thinking? What I wouldn’t give to re-do some of the more ill-conceived moments in my life.

Last week, my eldest son proudly presented me with this picture he had found under a bed somewhere.

family stories

Oh yeah, said I. I done that at school. He couldn’t have been more surprised to learn that his mother had once been more than a tea-swilling dog walker who had fed him snacks intravenously for the past 13 years. Wadda ya know eh?

This pastel masterpiece has been rolled up in a bit of a cardboard tube for so long that I had to anchor the darn thing down with heavy books in order to view it without losing an arm in its coils. I, like Picasso himself, have

family stories
rather thoughtfully included a hint to help us date this interesting work. A chewed up bit of newspaper (the Birmingham Evening Mail to be precise) holds the information we need to age it. Jan 1984. Blimey!

One might suggest, indelicately, that you can tell how sodding old it is by the very nature of the items which have been so ably sketched. A WHSmith paper bag (went out with the Ark); a ‘Dusty says Keep Britain Tidy’ note; an ancient packet of crisps…all clues as to the antiquity of the artist.

It is, however, good to know that I still have something to show for my once-budding prowess, and that I can still muster a smile from my son.

Have you got any secrets hanging around in your closet? Share your memories with us in this week’s Link Up – either write a blog post and link it up (the Linky will stay open for some time yet, so no need to rush), or just share your memories with us in the comments if you prefer – you don’t have to have a Blog to play! Everyone welcome here. Consider it therapy. But do tell your friends!


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More about the Life’s a Journey weekly memories series.

A selection of other posts from this series:-

FIrst day of school memories family stories

Week 2 - Old School Portrait

family stories best friends

Week 4 - Bestest Friends

family stories teenage crush

Week 5 - Teenage Crushes

family stories grease movie

Week 6 - First Movie Memories

family stories cinderella

Week 9 - Favourite Childhood Books

family stories

Week 19 - Becoming a Parent

family stories

Week 25 - Old Boyfriends

Tagged: childhood, christmas, family, genealogy, kids, life's a journey, Linky, memories, nostalgia, Santa Claus, stories

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