Gaming Magazine

The Black Glove Fails to Raise Half of $550,000 Kickstarter Target

Posted on the 10 November 2014 by Sameo452005 @iSamKulii
The Black Glove fails to raise half of $550,000 Kickstarter target
The Black Glove, the new project from former Irrational Games developers, has failed to reach its Kickstarter target.
The team had hoped to raise $550,000, but only managed just over $216,000, despitethe seal of approval from Ken Levine and the promise of a PS4 version of the game.
“We mean to fight like hell to keep it from being cancelled. We believe in the game and you all have shown you do, too,” said the developer on Kickstarter.
It is now in talks with publishers to see what can be done to secure a future for the first-person adventure.

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