Travel Magazine
Is about to happen . Friday 14th September providing all goes well . Only waiting since 1st week of July.
I know I have been very inactive on my blog.,various reasons
One main reason is that my laptop is playing up so it has been very difficult to blog, the other reason is lots going on in life.
I have now left my job and left Oxford, feeling very sad and my friend Linda is very upset that I am moving
I am apprehensive but I will do my upmost to make it a super new adventure with lots to see and photograph..
Big thank you to all of you for your HUGE support over the last few years, helping me through all the turmoil. Means such a lot to me , to know that you were and still are there for me.
Hugs and love
Very difficult to blog on the phone , I think I have to buy a new laptop now. Hope I get it right. Difficult when you have to decide on your own Not used to this. X
I know I have been very inactive on my blog.,various reasons
One main reason is that my laptop is playing up so it has been very difficult to blog, the other reason is lots going on in life.
I have now left my job and left Oxford, feeling very sad and my friend Linda is very upset that I am moving
I am apprehensive but I will do my upmost to make it a super new adventure with lots to see and photograph..
Big thank you to all of you for your HUGE support over the last few years, helping me through all the turmoil. Means such a lot to me , to know that you were and still are there for me.
Hugs and love
Very difficult to blog on the phone , I think I have to buy a new laptop now. Hope I get it right. Difficult when you have to decide on your own Not used to this. X