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The Best Sign Ever! I Might Be Biased!!

By Seasideinteriors @seasideinterio1
The other day I was heading to my dentist appointment and on my way there I spotted something just off the road at our local antique store.  You know when people say, "It called my name, I just had to have it?"  At least that's what I usually tell my husband. ;-)   Well, this thing really did call my name!!
The Best Sign Ever!  I might be Biased!! My last name :-)
See what I am mean about being a little biased, lol.
The Best Sign Ever!  I might be Biased!!
I did a double take when I drove past and thought how cool it would look in our house.  Our name on a restaurant sign.  I was so excited, but then I thought where the heck would it go?  It is quite a large piece so I wanted to make sure there was a spot for it to fit.
I wasn't able to make it back until the next day to have a look at it.  The lady that works at the shop was so excited to see that I was a Williams.  Apparently she wanted to call all the Williams' in the phone book.  Thankfully I made it there in time before she actually went through with it, lol.
I decided that the sign would go great in our dining room.  My husband met me at the Antique Shop to have a look at it and he thought the piece would be great for our house.
The sign came out of an old restaurant not far from where we live!  It has such character.  If you look behind the Williams' Restaurant sign, you can actually see that it was a grocery store before that.  It was called Williams' Grocery and underneath it, it had the words Drinks-Ice-Meats.  If you look even closer, their was a business there before the Grocery store, but I have yet to make out what that one says.
For our dining room, I want to go with a board and batten treatment like we have been doing in other parts of the house.  Then adding this tin sign just above the board and batten would be perfect!  I want sort of a bistro style in the dining room with a coastal influence.  Ya know, the very popular Bistro Coastal Farmhouse Style!  That's the one ;-)
This is one of those pieces that might go into one of my kiddos homes as they are older and then they can share where it came from, or I might just get buried with it, because what better way to go out other than thinking of Restaurant food, lol.
So, besides the tin sign and board and batten treatment in the dining room, we have a few other things we want to add.
This past weekend, we made another trip to Ikea and came back with this bad boy for the dining room...
STORNÄS Buffet IKEA 2 smooth-running drawers with ball-bearing slides and pull-out stop.  3 drawers with felt strips underneath so they slide smoothly. The Stornas Buffet
Although in this picture, it is quite brown.  In person, it is mostly black with just a hint of brown.  Here it is all  relaxed in its new home in the dining room...
The Best Sign Ever!  I might be Biased!! Even in this picture taken with my phone, it looks somewhat brown, but I promise it is really more black, lol.  
 My plans are to get baskets to fill the shelves below.  To go above the buffet, and to keep with the feel of a bistro style restaurant, I want to do a large chalk board trimmed out in reclaimed wood or wood painted to look like reclaimed wood ;-)  Whichever fits my budget.  That way I can put menus up on the chalk board for quiet dinners or maybe a little ladies get together with a specialty drink recipe to try out. 
We also managed to pick up the dining chairs, except for one small hiccup.  One of the chairs had black legs when they should have been white.  We would regularly improvise and just paint them white, but since we are going back in several weeks to get the cupboards for the office, we thought we would see if we had enough patience to wait it out and exchange the chair.  So far, Dustin is doing well with that plan!
Here are three of the four chairs at the soon to be repainted table...
The Best Sign Ever!  I might be Biased!! I was thinking of sanding the table and doing a gray wash on it.  So wish me luck on that.  I am really nervous!  At least if I mess it up, I can just paint it a solid gray or black.  I like to have a back up plan knowing things might go wrong on the first try.
In place of the current chandelier, I decided to bite the bullet and get the chandelier I have been wanting.  With a 10% off coupon, I went ahead and purchased the Eclipse Chandelier from West Elm.
Eclipse Chandelier West Elm Eclipse Chandelier
I really like the bubble effect on the glass and just the curve and style of it overall is so neat!  It should fit nicely in my new Restaurant ;-)
Well, that's as far as we have gotten in the dining room, but here is a little sneak peek on the kiddos bathroom makeover that we are currently working on...
The Best Sign Ever!  I might be Biased!!
The tile floors are in and hopefully the board and batten trim work and mirror framing will be finished today.
The Best Sign Ever!  I might be Biased!! I really love how the floor turned out and can't wait to get the kids back in here using their bathroom.  I thought it would have been crazy having all of us using my bathroom the past few weeks, but it has worked out fine.  SO FAR! 
Pop back in tomorrow for the quick tutorial on putting together garden beds!   Have a great day!!!
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For on-site design services {Greater Hampton Roads and Richmond Virginia}, please email seasideinteriors01@gmail.com for pricing and availability. The Best Sign Ever!  I might be Biased!!

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