The last day of 2012! This year has flown by. And what a year it was for me!
New Zealand
I was traveling around my other (yeah, I have two nationalities) country: New Zealand at the end of 2011 and the beginning of 2012. We had such a great time! Roadtrippin'with my favorite ally. In that time I couldn't update the blog (okay, I choose not to) so this photo overview starts when I just returned: Tanned, blonde and carefree.
We Bought a Zoo...
No we didn't buy a Zoo, but we did buy a house! In July all the paperwork was in order, and we could start the big big renovation. While I'm typing this, we are still in the middle of making our house a home. Most of my vacation the past week, was spend buying a heater, hanging up lamps etc. This will be a goal for 2013: finish the house :)
The blog
Because of these two milestones in my life last year, I wasn't such a good blogger from time to time. So I'm so greatfull that you guys are still following me. Thanks for the support!
The only positive side is that I didn't have so many outfit to choose from for my overview. But it still was a hard choice! I was going to say that I had to wear more heels and skirts. But when I see this overview I think I did pretty well. Heaps of skirts, and enough heels. (I mean I'm still a sneakers girl in my heart).
By the way: if you want to see ALL my 2012 outfits: check out my facebookpage.
Thank you again! Hope you all have a great party tonight!
I wish you all the best for 2013!!
Follow me:Facebook | Twitter | Bloglovin | Lookbook.nuInfo@amysfashionscrapbook.com
Photo's: by My life as Matt