This year I'm growing a few of lots of different varieties, in a bid to have a varied and continuous supply.
Those ones are still very small and will need to double in size before I'm prepared to plant them out.
You will also note that I have protected them with slug-pellets. This is after a recent bad experience with some of my brassica seedlings. Since they were raised up off the ground, on the wire shelf of one of the greenhouses, I foolishly expected them to escape the notice of the slugs and snails. I was wrong, and had to re-sow several of my Brussels Sprouts. So I'm not taking any chances with my precious Lettuces!
As well as lettuces, I have sown seeds for a number of different types of Endive. These include "Romanesca" (not to be confused with the brassica with a similar name), "Pancalieri" and three French types: "de Meaux", "Grosse Pommant Seule" and "Fine de Louviers". So far only a few have germinated and they are still pretty tiny, but they look fine:
At the weekend I also sowed seeds for Rocket (Aragula), Lamb's Lettuce / Corn Salad (Mache) and Land Cress (aka American cress). Put these together with the Tomatoes and Radishes that are already on their way, and the Cucumbers and Beetroot that have yet to be sown and it should produce a fairly respectable salad, don't you think?
Radishes at left, Broad Beans at right