Hair & Beauty Magazine

The Beauty Behind The Blog – BLOGGER Q & A – Victoria from Hello Victoria Speaking

By Triedandtestedblogger @triedtestedblog

This week’s The Beauty Behind The Blog, Blogger Q & A is with Victoria, the blogger behind Hello Victoria Speaking.

the beauty behind the blog

Tell us a little bit about yourself and your blog!
I’mVictoria, I am nineteen almost twenty! I live in Melbourne but was born in Adelaide, I am currently studying Beauty Therapy at Elly Lukas Beauty Therapy College. My passion is makeup, skincare and haircare and always has been so I though what better way to show my love for products and tips and trick than to initially start and Instagram. I then started thinking about blogging and haven’t looked back. I started my blog about a month ago and have such wonderful feedback, I am absolutely loving writing about all things beauty and giving my honest opinion on topics/products to help and educated anyone reading!

What’s the most rewarding aspect of blogging to you?

Being able to educate others is the most rewarding part. I’ve had friends say “Oh that post was so interesting I didn’t even know that for my face shape I should contour like that… etc”, or when people come to me and ask me for my recommendation on products like brushes etc because they trust what I think. It makes me so happy that people trust my judgment on these things and that I am helping people to understand more and more about different aspects of beauty.

Your biggest tip for those visiting a beauty counter at a department store.
If you are considering buying a $70 foundation ask for a sample, seriously you may think its awkward and they will say no but more often then not they are totally happy to give it to you. Its so important to try these out before you buy them because you may have heard wonderful reviews but it all comes down to what suits YOUR skin. Every skin is different. I live by this now when purchasing liquid products because you don’t want to spend a lot and then be disappointed by the way it sits on your skin or the coverage or the color which will always look different in a department store lighting!

hello victoria speaking

The one product you currently have your eye on.
The Rose Gold limited edition GHD! I am a sucked for all things gold and rose gold so when I saw these at Mecca my mouth dropped a little, I stopped and looked at them for a minute and then remembered “Victoria you got a new GHD last year you DON’T need this”, But my goodness they are stunning!

Your guilty pleasure.
Buying makeup! I tried to have a week without buying makeup and realised I have no self-control. I was sneaking lip liners into the house so my mom and boyfriend didn’t notice! I also indulge in brunching, I go out for brunch more often than I’d like to admit as I love trying new cafes I find on Instagram…no matter how far away they are!

An interesting fact about yourself.
Hmmm an interesting fact about me.. I’m a perfectionist when it comes to make up organisation and really any other organization. I cant go to sleep at night if all my shoes aren’t put away in their correct places and the same with my make up products! Weird I know!


Head over to Hello Victoria Speaking to see some of Vic’s latest posts. You can also find her on social media:

  • Instagram: @vicbyrnebeauty


tried and tested blogger

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