Debate Magazine

The Battle of Murietta Vs. Invasion of the Illegals

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

As 400 illegal unaccompanied minors a day pour over the Mexican border into the U.S., an insane VPOS Joe Biden told lied to a National Association of Manufacturers meeting that more, not fewer, immigrants should come to America to “bolster” the economy because America needs them “badly from a purely economic point of view.”

During a tour of the Customs and Border Protection facility in South Texas, Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) took these shocking photos to highlight how overwhelmed the US authorities are with the recent tide of illegal immigrants.

In one, a large group of immigrants are locked like filthy livestock in a wire mesh cage. In another, tiny children run around a packed room, where foil sheets – the only blankets they have – cover the concrete floors. Up to 40 people a time – most appearing dirty and dejected – are put in rooms only large enough for ten.

caged illegals in Texas
Illegals in Texas
Overcome by the never-ending tidal wave of illegals, overworked U.S. border patrol officers use yellow evidence tape to “quarantine” the sick. Don Ray, Executive Director of the Texas Border Sheriffs Coalition, said border guards were simply running a strip of yellow tape down the center of the detention facility to separate the children: “The diseased kids sit on one side and the healthy children on the other. Hardly the best way to go about things.”

Altogether, aided and abetted by the Obama regime, some 300,000 illegals have invaded America since this April, including many who are ridden with lice, scabies, and contagious diseases like tuberculosis, chicken pox and measles. Lice have been seen in their hair and even crawling down faces. (See “Obama’s Brown Shirts threaten health workers who divulge infectious diseases brought by tidal wave of illegals into America”)

Many of the illegals are unaccompanied minors, some still needing diapers. You may wonder where are their parents and why they would let their children wander across the border on their own.

The answer: Their parents are right here in the United States, no doubt illegally, and they know full well what their children are doing.

How do I know that?

Because the POS’s civilian army, aka the Department of Homeland Security, is spending taxpayer money to transport (by bus and by plane) the illegal kiddies to reunite with their illegal parents.

Isn’t that heartwarming! And you are paying for this!  — assuming, of course, that you actually pay taxes. [Snark]

Murrieta, CA map
The town of Murietta, California, is at the epicenter of the Invasion of the Illegals because it is there that resistance against the illegal onslaught is taking place.

Yesterday, July 7, 2014, as reported by Breitbart‘s Michelle Moone, for the third time, demonstrators opposed to illegal immigration stood their ground at the Murrieta Border Patrol station, where U.S. Border Patrol had been scheduled to transfer a third round of buses with 140 illegal aliens aboard, from overcrowded Texas detention facilities.

Among the demonstrators were first-timers from many different backgrounds–from young enlisted Marines to legal immigrants from Germany, Mexico, and Central America.

Murietta demonstrators
Here’s a first-person account by movie producer and literary manager Bettina Sofia Viviano (via email):

“I got down to Murrietta around 10 AM today and met Karen Siegemund [of Rage Against the Media], [comedian and author] Evan Sayet, and [radio host] Kender McGowan. There were probably about 200 people on our side there, maybe more. On the other side, there were almost no people – other than about 6-7 La Raza guys with Brown Shirt uniforms. I went up to them and asked for a picture…They responded ‘we don’t let NAZIS take our picture.’ Pretty funny them calling ME a ‘Nazi’ when they had the Brown Shirts on. Oh well.

All of the media trucks were there, the cops… [Despite rumors, there were] NO riot police, SWAT, none of that. I was interviewed for a long time by CBS but I haven’t seen any of it, so not sure they will use it.

The buses NEVER CAME. We waited and waited. I was told that the police helicopters overhead assess how many protestors there are, and then make the decision to divert the buses elsewhere. I think they took them to San Ysidro. We were told Chula Vista, Temecula or San Ysidro but I don’t think anyone knew for sure where they went.

So, nothing big to report. No confrontations of note, no buses. We call it a success because we kept them out of Murrietta, but they’re still here in CA. This sucks. And, as we have noticed Perry and Brewer are very openly dealing with this issue. WHERE IS GOVERNOR MOONBEAM [Jerry Brown]?”

Viviano is planning to go back to Murietta this Thursday.

Last Friday, July 4, members of the pro-illegals Chicano racist group, La Raza, got ugly at Murietta. Michelle Moone reports for Breitbart that the pro-illegals burnt an American flag and impaled torn-up American flags on a fence.

burnt American flag at Murietta
torn up American flags on Murietta fence
Bonnie Lewis, an anti-illegal demonstrator at Murietta told Breitbart News she saw one of the pro-amnesty activists dragging an American flag on the ground: “I said: ‘Hey, don’t do that.’ He said: ‘That’s where it belongs’.”

Another anti-illegal immigration activist said that pro-amnesty demonstrators called her a “f***ing whore” in Spanish, and shouted, “F*** America!”

Meanwhile, InvestmentWatch reports that California militia members have united with their comrades in Texas to defend America’s southern border.

H/t FOTM’s swampygirl, CSM, Allan W.


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