Fashion Magazine

*The Aztec Rucksack*

By Dottydolly @jadearchibald1
*The Aztec rucksack*
To date, this is most definitely one of my prettiest, most bargainous and may I also add, on trend, charity shop items I have found. Yes, for a mesely £2 i picked up this gorgeous aztec print little rucksack, and I honestly couldn't believe it. I also picked up the dress I'm wearing in the photo too for £2 (but i'll do a proper outfit post with it soon!) This cute little bag is going to be perfect for summer, which most of us seem to actually be experiencing at the moment! Hoorah. It will also be perfect for a little beach bag on holiday too. I honestly really recommend checking out charity shops! The thought of it to some people isn't particularly pleasant, but some of them really are lovely little shops! Nevermind the guilt free shopping you will experience (which is always a good thing).
What do you girlies think of this rucksack? I hope you've had/having a lovely Friday night! I've just been to see 'The dark knight rises' which i can honestly say, is now my favorite film! I'm still in shock at how bloomin' amazing it was! I shall most certainly be seeing it again! xxx

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