Debate Magazine

The Angel Who Visited a Girl with Leukemia

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Today is the eve before Christmas, when billions of people across the world celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God who humbled himself and became incarnate as a man.


Because He loves us so.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” -John 3:16

Christmas Eve is an appropriate time for a reminder of His unimaginable, unfathomable, infinite love for us — each and every one of us — despite ourselves.

In an episode of AOL’s new series “Help From Beyond,” Bella recounts an encounter she had one night in her hospital room.

Mere days before Bella’s 15th birthday, she was diagnosed with leukemia. Lying in her hospital bed, knowing that childhood leukemia is deadly, Bella was frightened and in despair.

At 1:02 am, a male nurse walked in with a cup of ice. He wrote his name on the blackboard, “Wahkan,” and listened to Bella pouring her heart out. Wahkan comforted the gravely ill girl, then told her: “It’s not your time.”

The next morning, Bella asked her female nurse “Where is Wahkan?”

The nurse told Bella she was her nurse last night, and there were no male nurses in that hospital.

But Bella had not imagined her encounter. The plastic cup that had contained ice was still there by her bed. So was the word “Wahkan” on the blackboard.

Later that morning, Bella’s doctors were stunned that her blood counts had drastically improved and told her the leukemia would go into remission in a week.

Wahkan is a Native American boy name, which means “Sacred.” The name Wahkan is not among the top 1,000 most common names in the United States for the last 128 years.

In other words, Bella could not have made up that name.

Still don’t believe Bella?

My husband had a similar experience while waiting in pre-op for his cardiac surgery. I’ll tell his story on Sunday!


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