Wow has it really been a year?.....tomorrow(4th) sees my first year as an allotment holder the time has really
flown by, I can’t imagine life without the allotment now it’s become such a big
part of my life most of my free time is spent at the plot in one way or
another, it’s my way of dealing with the stresses of running a busy kitchen and
the challenges that it throws at me. I can spend an hour after work just
pottering about and the stress and worry of the day just lifts from my shoulders.I love spending time with my whole little family at the allotment
if the girls aren’t digging or planting something they are hunting for daisy’s
or playing with the other children on the plot.I have such big plans now this year for the allotment and
I spent all the winter preparing for it with the addition of my raised beds and
the new compost area it feels almost complete.I did have a really good harvest last year but I didn’t prepare
much for the winter or spring but this year it will all be different.
Bring on the next 12 months………