Baseball Magazine

The 2023 World Baseball Classic Has Begun

By Precious Sanders @pdsanders99

Insomnia has struck tonight, but the plus side of it is that I was able to listen to the last 3.5 innings of the first official game of the World Baseball Classic. The Netherlands has defeated Cuba to kick things off, and in just a few short hours, Chinese Taipei will be taking on Panama.

If you’re interested in following along, the list of teams and the intended schedule for the tournament can be found here.

If you want to know who from each Major League team is participating in the Classic and which country they will be representing, those lists can be found here.

And you can find the complete roster for each country here.

And so it begins. Cuba 🇨🇺 vs Netherlands 🇳🇱. Let’s play some international baseball

— Matt Monagan (@MattMonagan) March 8, 2023

Team Netherlands gets the first W of the #WorldBaseballClassic!

— World Baseball Classic (@WBCBaseball) March 8, 2023

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