The Vintage Housewife
Welcome to day two of the 1950’s housewife project! As you can see, I didn’t manage to get this up yesterday, and sadly for day three there are no outfit photos as it rained all day, and before I could set up indoor photos, my kids created a bit of chaos and I changed. But a video will be up on my YouTube channel at some point today, and I’ll also share it on my Facebook page; so if you’re not following those and want to keep updated, hop over and subscribe/like!

Foxburrow Vintage
On this day, I wore one of the most glorious dresses I’ve ever bought, a 1950’s floral number from Foxburrow Vintage. I saw this dress in her shop, and immediately knew I had to buy it. And, she was kind enough to ship it in time to reach me for this week! Foxburrow Vintage is owned by a lovely human that I met through a Buy Sell Trade group, and we’ve slowly bonded over our mutual love of vintage and thrifting. I’m excited to own this glorious dress, and am looking forward to probably buying every single thing she has in my size!

Yesterday was a big triumph, as I finished up the bedroom which had been a disaster. I don’t remember a lot of the day before, but you can watch the video below to see my thoughts and general day! I’ll be trying hard to get day Three up, and cutting together what little I’ve gotten of day Four! Tomorrow will be the last day of my experiment, as the weekend is just far too packed to go full 50’s housewife. I have a lot of thoughts on the pros and cons of living like this, and I hope you’ll be as fascinated by the changes I’ve noticed as I am!

Dress, Foxburrow Vintage | shoes and belt, thrifted | earrings, vintage, thrifted | brooch, grandma’s
