Entertainment Magazine

That's My Jam #35 - A Sudden Burst Of Colour - Yume

Posted on the 13 August 2014 by Scottishfiction @scotfiction984
That's My Jam #35 - A Sudden Burst Of Colour - Yume
Atmospheric and soundscaped instrumental music is the order of the day today.  And at present in the Scottish music community, Motherwell quartet A Sudden Burst Of Colour make some of the finest music of this ilk.
Yume,  their latest single, trawls vast landscapes in the mind, with layered guitars building towards an almighty climax.  The tentative and vast emptiness of the track starts off quite isolating, but by mid point; the track is over eight minutes long, I'm overwhelmed with feelings of triumph and confidence.  It's amazing what music can do sometimes.  Have a listen and be immersed. 

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