TV & Video Magazine

That’s DOCTOR Alexander Skarsgard To You

Posted on the 13 July 2011 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

That’s DOCTOR Alexander Skarsgard To You

Hey Eric & Sookie Lover!

Have you ever dreamed of playing doctor with Alexander Skarsgard? Well, now you can…sorta!


That’s DOCTOR Alexander Skarsgard To You
Alexander Skarsgard is to be awarded an honorary doctorate by officials at his former university. He studied English at Leeds Metropolitan in the U.K. before heading to theater school to train as an actor.

Tutors at the university are to honor their former student with a doctorate of arts at a ceremony on the campus later this month (July 11). The award will be handed out as part of the university’s Summer Graduation celebrations.


Congratulations to Alex! We’re so happy he’s getting this recognition!

Too bad he’s not a medical doctor who can preform physical examinations…if you know what I mean?

There…I said it because you know everyone is thinking it!

What do you think? Share your thoughts below!

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