Fashion Magazine

That One Time I Came Home to a Waterfall

By Jessicavenoy @lovelyjesscuh
That One Time I Came Home to a Waterfall
Some of y'all might have seen me post this on Instagram. Well I figured I'd better put it up on the blog, too.
Yes...I came home from work Monday around 5 and my apartment was a straight up waterfall. The light fixtures on the ceiling were leaking, water was creeping down the walls & there was about 3-4 inches of water in my bathroom/kitchen/hallway. That water crept into my bedroom. Thankfully none of my stuff was damaged (other than a few things that don't really matter). Thankfully my boyfriend is awesome and he came to my rescue. Thankfully the manager of my apartment complex is wonderful. Thankfully my grandparents have a spare bedroom/bathroom that I'm living in for a few days.
Turns out a pipe above my apartment burst and my unit was the only one that got flooded...happy Monday to meeee! I almost died when the apartment complex manager told me that I was handling this situation very calmly. I am never calm, y'all. I'm usually a frantic mess. So it was nice to hear her say that. But I guess when things like this happen, my sense kicks in and I just figure stuff out and do what needs to be done. Adam even told me that he was proud of how I handled it, because usually I freak out.
Also - HUGE thanks to all of you who shouted me out on Twitter/Facebook/Instagram asking if there was anything that you could do and sending me good vibes. I'm seriously so glad to have the world's best bloggy friends :) You guys make my heart happy!
I'm gonna try my best to keep up with emails & posts this week, but I have a feeling things might be a little cray (yes, I say cray).
Lesson learned: I will be investing in renter's insurance ;) Oh and if you look up "hot mess" in the dictionary, you'd probably find a picture of me.
That One Time I Came Home to a

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