Fashion Magazine

Thank You for Participating!

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom
Thank you for participating!
Thank you everyone, for participating in the quiz. I am so excited that so many of you gave it a try. And that SO MANY of you got it right!!! You guys have wicked observation powers.  
... and for the ones who couldn't find them all - Don't feel bad. I too, only got 9/10.
The 10 differences between the original and the edited pictures are as follows: 
1) Eyebrow shape is different  2) Bindi size is bigger 3) The line on the wall has been moved 4) One bangle is yellow 5) Beads of the necklace are yellow 6) One paisley is missing from the sleeve 7) Nails have been painted 8) Frame from wall is missing 9) One ring is missing 10) Ear has been covered with hair
And the winner of the quiz is Asta 
Please email me your mailing adress at [email protected] 
Thank you for participating!

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