Debate Magazine

Terrorists Target America's Forests, Reservoirs, and Power Grid

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Terrorists target America's forests, reservoirs, and power grid Reblogged from Consortium of Defense Analysts:

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Terrorists have "graduated" from hijacking and blowing up airplanes to target America's forests, water supply, and power plants.

1. Forest Fires

On July 9, 2012, at an American Center for Democracy's Economic Warfare panel, former NSA official and editor of Aviation Week William Scott said that terrorism had taken on a new method. That new method is a subtle form of economic warfare via…

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We now have evidence that America's forests and our critical infrastructure of water and electric power have been attacked by terrorists. As a new form of Economic Warfare, this is an attack on U.S. National Security. And yet we hear nothing from the White House or Congress. Where's Homeland Security? This means We the People will have the raise the alarm ourselves. Spread the news via email, Twitter, Facebook...! Call your Congresscritters! ~Eowyn

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