Diaries Magazine

Tending and Enjoying

By Owlandtwine

Tending and Enjoying
Good morning from the garden!
I will be busy this weekend in my two favorite places:  the garden and the kitchen.  For starters, I have an apple tree to plant.  Then I will be tackling my cucumber situation - vines full along with the two bottom drawers in our refrigerator.   I'm going to try a new pickle recipe this year, one I found in Southern Living.  I also have my herb garden to tend to, cutting and drying for fall and winter cooking.  On Monday, we're slow cooking - a pork shoulder in spices and bathed in barbeque sauce.  There will be local corn, chunks of ice cold watermelon, hanging out on the porch with glasses of sun-brewed iced tea until the sun begins to lower in the sky, and a cobbler, of course.  Then there will be frosty mugs of beer shared amongst the grown-ups while the little ones chase crickets with squirt bottles until the sun finally sets.
This is how we plan to wrap up this fine summer.  How about you?*The BonLook giveaway is still open throughout the weekend.  There was a posting glitch with Blogger on the first day of the giveaway.  The first four comments did not post to the blog for some reason.  Please know that I do have them in my email, in the order in which they came in, and they will be counted as 1-4 and the comments on the blog will start at 5.  This way all of the comments are in the correct order in which they came in when I go to generate the winning comment number on Monday.  So sorry for the confusion.*

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