Everett is ten days old today. I love him so much I can hardly stand it.
I love being a mom, and perhaps even more than that, I love watching Brett be a dad. He changed his very first diaper at the hospital last week and has changed about 57 diapers since then. I’m fairly positive we have laughed harder and more often in the past ten days than the past six months. It hurts my incision when I laugh but I don’t even care. Giggling over Everett’s little antics is worth a sore scar.
Our days have changed drastically. This is the second time I have opened my computer in ten days. I am perfectly content lying on the couch for hours at a time just staring at this beautiful life next to me. I love watching his sleepy smiles and listening to his little baby sighs. A few days ago, I pulled him out of his bassinet during a nap so I could hold him instead. I told Brett I missed him. He said, “Go get him. You’re his mom. It’s okay.”
I’m his mom. He’s my baby.
Ten days in, I don’t have very much figured out, but I do know one thing for certain—God created me to be a mother. Let the adventures begin.