Today, the bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish have asked us to list ten favorite childhood books that I’d like to revisit.
I am not big on re-reading but I just know that if I read the books listed below all over again, I’d love them just the same if not more.
So here’s my list:

- Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. I so loved these books as a child – the whimsy of the tea party and all that growing tall and short, and even better the massive chess game in Through the Looking Glass, I loved them both. So awesome!
- Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. I was a
bitok, a lot of a tomboy as a child and my reading tastes show that I think. I loved this pirate saga. I thought it was the bomb. - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. I was introduced to this book by my English teacher, and I loved the excerpt that she read out to us so much (it was chapter 2, the painting of the fence scene), that over the summer holidays, I read this book completely all the way through, and then reread it again, I loved it that much. I guess I just related so much to the character of Tom Sawyer in the book. And even now when I think summer holidays, I think of myself reading this book on a hot day. Such a happy memory.
- The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster. I read this book as an adult just last year, I think. But I think I would have loved this book as a child. I think I just love fantastical books with maps in general.
- The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. I read this book during my late teens. I don’t know whether this book can be considered a children’s book, but I remember that I had no problems with the vocabulary or anything. I could have easily read it as a 10-year old I think and loved it just the same.
- The Harry Potter series by J.K.Rowling. I would have so loved to have read this as a child, and to be introduced to her wonderful writing at a younger age. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy these books as an adult, but I think as a child, it would have been an even more magical experience.
- Winnie the Pooh by A.A.Milne. I loved all the Pooh books as a child. Love them as an adult as well.
- The BFG and Matilda by Roald Dahl. My childhood favorites. I recently reread The BFG with Snubnose and enjoyed the book so much.
- Charlotte’s Web and The Trumpet of the Swan by E.B.White. I revisited Charlotte’s Web over the summer holidays with Snubnose last year, and I am looking forward to introducing her to The Trumpet of the Swan these holidays. This is an even better book, in my opinion.
- All the books by Enid Blyton. In particular, the school series of books, St. Clare’s and Mallory Towers were my favorite series. But, I also loved the Magic Faraway Tree series, the Five Find Outers, the Brer Rabbit books. Oh! I remember her books with so much joy.

My top three childhood favorites

Fantastic Childhood Fantasy Books
What are your favorite childhood books? What memories do they evoke in you?