Debate Magazine

Ted Cruz’s Senate E-address Was a Subscriber of Ashley Madison Adultery ‘dating’ Service

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Last July, Ashley Madison, the Canadian-based online “dating service” for adulterers with 37 million subscribers, was hacked by a group that calls itself the Impact Team.


The hackers made public the personal information of the subscribers, including their names, email addresses, and sexual fantasies. Some of the subscribers actually used their work email addresses, as shown by the many addresses that end in .gov, .mil, a company name (e.g., WellsFargo), a university name (UTexas), and even the United Nations. (See my post “Ashley Madison was a giant con: 2 subscribers commit suicide; female subscribers are fake“)

What we weren’t told then is that there was one U.S. Senate email address among the Ashley Madison subscribers — the email address of Ted Cruz’s senate office.

Warren Rojas reports for Roll Call, March 28, 2016, that approximately 15,000 email addresses of Ashley Madison’s subscribers have the “.mil” or “.gov” designation assigned to the armed forces and federal agencies, respectively.

Among those are:

  • Nearly four dozen people who work at the White House.
  • The Capitol Police.
  • Seven individuals with ties to House offices.
  • The email address of Ted Cruz’s senate office: 

A Cruz aide insists that although “The email address in question is,” that doesn’t mean anyone in Cruz’s senate office was an Ashley Madison subscriber because the address is “a publicly and widely available forwarding address that is often entered into web contact forms by people with no connection to our office.”

The aide is being disingenuous because s/he would have us believe that a subscriber to Ashley Madison would use an email address with no connection to the subscriber. How would anyone interested in an adulterous “hookup” contact the subscriber then?

Ted Cruz kisses daughter

See also:

  • National Enquirer story on Ted Cruz’s 5 mistresses partly confirmed by Washington Times
  • Ted Cruz: ‘I have no desire to copulate with Trump’


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