I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for #CollectiveBias and its advertiser.

You might be wondering why I am making a teacher appreciation gift since I do not have any kids. I’ve mentioned a few times that I’m doing my internship to be a Licensed Specialist in School Psychology. Basically what my job entails is assessing kids to see if they need special education, consulting with teachers on behavior, counseling, and many more things. For my internship this year, I had to have a few specific things done to fulfill my requirements. These requirements involved working pretty closely with a few teachers. They have helped me out immensely and gone above and beyond to help me graduate. I knew that I wanted to do something to thank them for all of their hard work.

I picked up a variety pack of Skittles & Starburst 30 Pack from Sam's Club. You can find this 30 pack of Skittles and Starbursts on the candy aisle.

This variety pack was on $12.09 at Sam’s Club. Pretty good deal for 30 packs of Skittles and Starbursts! And it it about as colorful as you can get! #VIPFruitFlavors

I picked up a few other things to add to my care package. I went to Target and hit up the dollar spot and found the cute bucket and note pads. I figure teachers can always use notepads. Dry erase markers are another great idea for teachers. They are constantly writing things on the dry erase boards and will always need markers! I picked up the Elmer’s Craft Bond squares at Wal-Mart. These are a must to help create a multi-dimensional care package!

Fill your buckets with grocery sacks or paper towels to bring your items towards the top.

See how awesome these Elmer’s Craft Bond squares are? They stick to whatever you need and are helpful to add height and stagger your objects in the bucket.

As you can see in the finished bucket. Everything is different heights. The Skittles are taller than the Starbursts and the dry erase markers are all different heights. It’s much more difficult to do this if you don’t have the squares! I added the cute printable with a little jute. It’s just a very cheesy little saying to show my appreciation!

I can’t wait to give these to them! Teachers are some of the hardest working people you will ever meet. I sure hope these teachers know how much they have helped me out this year and how much I truly appreciate them.

And here is the cheesy printable that I created. Let me just tell you that not a whole lot rhymes with Skittles and Starburst!
If you use this printable for something, I would LOVE to see pictures!
Thanks for reading :)