TV & Video Magazine

TB Rants & Raves’ Ten Best Eric & Sookie Book Scenes

Posted on the 06 December 2011 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

TB Rants & Raves’ Ten Best Eric & Sookie Book ScenesOne of our favorite bloggers, TB Rants & Raves has shared her Top 10 Best Eric & Sookie Book Scenes and we wanted to share them with you!

This is what she said;

One year ago, I wrote a post in which I listed my 10 favorite Book Sookie and Eric scenes. That was before DeadReckoning. If that book had been released at the time, there is a scene that definitely would have been included on my original list of 10.

Thus, I’ve decided to create a new list which includes this scene as well as 9 others that almost made the first list…

Some of TB Rants & Raves’ favorite book scenes are favorites with many of us, I’m sure! Quite frankly, I’m sick of focusing on what went wrong on True Blood and feel like reading something positive for a change!

If you would like to be cheered up or reminded of why we love Eric & Sookie – please feel free to read her blog post here!

And TB Rants & Raves…thank you so much for giving us something positive to focus on! We really appreciate you taking the time to share with us! TB Rants & Raves’ Ten Best Eric & Sookie Book Scenes

FYI: We think the image of Eric sucking on the heart was REALLY HOT  too! ;)

What are your thoughts? Feel free to share them here and/or over there!

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