TV & Video Magazine

TB Rants & Raves Reviews: “If You Love Me, Why Am I Dying?”

Posted on the 13 July 2011 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

TB Rants & Raves Reviews: “If You Love Me, Why Am I Dying?”

Hey Eric & Sookie Lovers!

One of our favorite Eric & Sookie Lovin’ bloggers has posted her review of True Blood Episode 3, “If You Love Me, Why Am I Dying?”

Here are some highlights!

It should come as no surprise that the best moments, for me, were Eric moments. I can definitely understand why the reviews for Season 4, and in particular Skarsgard’s performance, have been so spectacular. I am enjoying seeing this different side to Eric.

I laughed so many times in this episode. The first was when Eric mistakenly called Sookie “Snookie.” The visual of Eric towering over Sookie on the way to her car also made me giggle. Further, Eric standing outside the door like a lost puppy, thinking he needed an invite, and Sookie taking advantage of an opportunity and not divulging that Eric owns the house. I laughed when Sookie didn’t want him to track in mud. Admittedly, part of me rolled my eyes thinking, “This is the same woman that lived with mud covering her walls and a meat tree in her front lawn and she’s throwing a fit about tracked in dirt.” However, another part of me thought “Well her house is clean FINALLY. I wouldn’t want mud tracked in either.”

We happen to think these were some of our favorite scenes too! ;)

If you would like to read her full review, please click here!

Thanks TB Rants & Raves for voicing what we’re thinking!

What do you think? Share your thoughts below!

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