So I used to have this mole under my right eye. I say used to because when I was 20, my mom took me to have it lasered off. She's fairly superstitious and said that the position of that mole was like a tear on my face and would thus bring me sadness. She was rather insistent so just went with it. The procedure was quick and burning hot but it banished the mole for good. I've been lucky to not to have to really deal with any other moles on my face but I am vexed by dark spots and freckles which are the result of being less vigilant about sun protection when I was younger. It's a constant battle and if laser treatments weren't so pricey, I'd probably just have went that route.
Enter Dr. Fredric Brandt's new line of serums created to mimic the effects of in-office dermatological laser treatments. I learned about these skin fixers at an event hosted by Birchbox Soho last month. Dr. Brandt, a noted celebrity dermatologist and anti-aging authority was on hand to personally introduce his Laser Fx line and explain how they work. These treatments feature a breakthrough smart dual encapsulation system to deliver precise skin targeting, penetration and higher efficacy. There are three products in this series and each is specifically formulated to provide focused results in addressing particular skin concerns.

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