Naaaahh. It's really for me! Sometimes I just love to go to a place where you don't have to hear, "MOM, did you sign my homework?" "Mom, why is my smoothie so watery?" "Mom, why did the dog just leave poop streaks on the side of the couch."
See what I mean, so Target just quietly calls to me, "Helen, come, relax and stroll around with some coffee." OK Target if you insist.
So yesterday, I went with my dear friend, our coffee's in hand and found some new things that I really liked.
Disclaimer: These shots were taken with my phone and the phone may or may not have had a coffee finger smudge across the lens.
Curtains/Shower Curtains

This here is navy and white striped shower curtain that said, "take me home, I will look great in the kids bathroom." Apparently a lot of decor and stores for that matter just seem to talk to me. And yes I do answer back, cause that would be rude if I didn't.
So, I brought him home. The first room in transition is the kids bathroom. The walls are beige the counters are cream, and the current shower curtain is white. Blahh! I am thinking this shower curtain, some board and batten, hooks for towels. I think a design board is in order.

These are not large, they are little clipboards that I think would go great at the bottom of your organizational command center. You don't have an organizational command center? What is wrong with you ;-) I don't have one either, YET. You could give each person their own. Use them for permission slips, things to be signed, lunch money, receipts, whatever.

Let's head over to TJMaxx!

Thanks for going to Target and TJMaxx with me! I had a great time!!!
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Seaside Interiors