Family Magazine

Taking Up Residence on Twitter: Talking About LGBT Family Travel

By Designerdaddy @DesignerDaddy

If you’re an LGBT parent (or are in the process of becoming one) you are statistically more likely to travel with your children than your straight counterparts. Okay, that statistic is based on no actual data, but on my well-traveled stint as one of two fathers of an adopted son. Yet even if your kids aren’t adopted, we gays LOVE to travel. Think having kids will slow us down? Are you kidding — and pass up a chance to sport matching outfits at Disneyworld, win over hearts and minds at a family reunion, or show our younguns the world in style?

So mark your calendars: Join me Wednesday, November 6 at 9pm EST, as I’ll be a panelist for a Twitter party* all about LGBT family travel!

We’ll be chatting up these topics:

  • Legal/practical aspects of travel, both interstate and internationally
  • General tips for traveling with kids
  • Extended stays out-of-state or internationally during the adoption process
  • Hilarious and harrowing tales of tot-travel

Please come join the fun with all your questions and/or ideas to share!

Register early at TravelingMom to win
one of two signed copies of Iron Chef/lesbian mom Cat Cora’s cookbook, Classics with a Twist: Fresh Takes on Favorite Dishes.
Grand Prize: a $250 Residence Inn gift card

This shindig is sponsored by Residence Inn, along with partners TravelingMom, Family Equality Council and Mombian.

Travel Itenerary:
Party time: 9pm – 10pm EST • Wednesday, November 6, 2013
How to join: Follow hashtags #TMOM and #RIFamily
To be eligible for prizes: RSVP at TravelingMom’s party page


Personal note: Okay, who in the world gets sentimental about being asked to participate in a Twitter party? This gay dad, that’s who. Residence Inn has played an important role in our family’s history. We flew cross-country in order to be there the night JJ was born; we spent two nights in the hospital with him, then were released into the wild. Yet we had to remain in Oregon until our ICP (Interstate Commerce Pact) cleared and we could cross state lines with our cute little contraband. So our first two weeks together as a family were spent in the Residence Inn Portland Downtown/RiverPlace.

It was also where the photos used on JJ’s birth announcement were taken, which were featured in this blog’s very first post.

And we stayed in the very same hotel during our most recent, very memorable trip back to visit JJ’s birthparents. So to Residence Inn, here is my very personal note…


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