Here we are in July! It's quite surreal. Time is passing us by so quickly and there is always so many things we need to reach on. I'm becoming more and more aware of how precious time is and I don't want to waste a single moment of it. It's not easy to make memories with family and friends around the craziness of shuttling kids to all their different activities and also commitments, but here we are. In the midst of craziness, life keeps moving forward, and its up to us to live our best life through the strange and peculiar moments we find ourselves in.
So, here we go. Taking Stock July 2020. It was a big month, but also a good month. Hi
Making: I would love some time to make something outside of dinner. Hashtag goals!
Cooking: July's menu in our household did not change from June's menu.
Sipping: Soda water with a small wedge of lemon.
Reading: This month we have been reading Bethany Hamilton's book ' Soul Surfer' for school. Together, we have also been reading ' Prince Warriors' by Priscilla Shrirer. Both are really awesome books. For me personally, I am reading a book one of my closest friend's has contributed to and also published, called ''. Writers from numerous walks in life have contributed to this book, and I'm loving it! ' God in Life' is a book that I believe is enriching my life on numerous levels.
Waiting: I get to listen to a lot of podcasts in the car while I wait for my kids.
Looking: Forward to school holidays. I love school holidays and I can't wait for them to return.
Listening: This month I found a new podcast called 'She'. The host is Jordan Lee Dooley and she interviewed Bob Goff. They were talking about the concept of 'Dreaming Big', which is a book that Bob Goff has recently written. He is also the author of 'Love Does', and 'Everybody Always'. I love how he speaks, he's an incredible human who has done amazing things in his life for other people. He just loves people, and I really love and value that about him.
Wishing: I had a crystal ball, and a magic wand. Imagine how many awesome things I can do with those two things. Right now though, I would wish for $1 million dollars, personal time, and world peace!
Enjoying: Being at home whenever I can.
Appreciating: My patient hubby! He is a good man.
Eating: Chicken. Lots of recipes with chicken. I need some new recipes. NOW!
Liking: The 'God in Life' book I am reading. Here is the link!
Loving: Whenever driving on my own I get to listen to whatever I want too. I hook my phone up to the AUX in the car and turn it up to a comfortable level, and before I know it, I have arrived at my destination. I have learned a few things, or I feel at peace in myself. Sometimes it's given me a giggle, or the content has given me a great idea. Podcasts are great!
Buying: July was a big month for bills so there wasn't a lot of 'mad money' to have any fun with 🙁 . I'm looking for hubby's and my Mum's birthday present - they share their birthday.
Managing: I think I'll change this one to 'trying to manage', and that would be our household. I am trying to work on my productivity issues, and have been listening to Jordan Page's advice regarding scheduling, and trying to make the best decisions making the most of my time. How did we live our lives without youtube?
Watching: Hubby and I really like medical drama ' Code Black ' on 7plus.
Wearing: Right now I am a bit of a sight. PJ pants, socks, my San Sebastián shirt (nothing special), and my hair is stuck up in a knot. It's Saturday evening, I am late with this end of July post, and I will get myself sorted. 🙂
Following: I'm trying to keep up with the news without letting it dominate my thoughts and feelings.
Noticing: Time is going far too quickly. There are 21 weeks till Christmas. The end of the year feels like it's zooming toward us at a speed I'm a little uncomfortable with. There is still so much to do before then!
Sorting: Out my books. I either need a new book case, or I need to just declutter them. I might just sort them out!
Getting: Frustrated hearing on the news that people aren't self isolating.
Bookmarking: Homeschooling information, and year 10 information for next year.
Feeling: Hopeful. If I trusted and believed the news reel I don't think I would feel hopeful. I'm trusting God to get us through this crazy time with covid-19. I don't know why, maybe just wishful thinking, but it would be nice if covid-19 was eliminated by the 1st of January 2021.
Please Lord, cancel covid - we don't want it. Amen!
Hearing: Quietness! Bliss.
Lowlight: The school holidays ended, and the school term started again.
Highlight: I bought a desk for Nell of facebook marketplace for $10 and its awesome! I can have my table back, and Nell has somewhere in her room to sew and make clay charms. It was so lovely to see her unpack her sewing machine and set up her desk. I feel like our socks were blessed right off with this one!
Grateful: Facebook market place is fantastic for picking up a few of those things you want but don't want to lose a limb for. Also, its a great place to sell items you don't need. I am pulling together a pile of things we no longer need and will be trying my hand at selling them on facebook marketplace. I am not new to selling on line. I am just needing to find time to actually get it done.