What has happened to this month?
Just three days ago, it was exactly one month since we celebrated Christmas, and here we are now a month on, and back to the school routine. I would LOVE the ability to turn back time - I really want the holidays back!
Its the end of January and so I thought I would do my end of the month 'Taking Stock' post.
So here goes....
Making: Lists. I have lots of lists on the go....school, shopping, things we want to do, meal ideas, movies we want to watch, things to do before January ends, goals for 2017, our budget, and a list of jobs to do around the house.
Cooking: Its to hot to cook. Just making big salads and loving the freshness of raw vegetables yummy chicken right now.
Drinking: Refrigerated filtered water at the moment - somebody was heavy handed with the soda stream button and I now need to go replace my gas bottles.
Reading: The Happiness of Pursuit, by Chris Guillebeau.
Trawling: Through the podcast app looking for new podcasts to listen too.
Watching: We are looking forward to watching the 'Suits' series - heard lots of good things about it.
Wanting: A coffee night with friends! Its overdue!!!
Looking: For recipes online to use my spiraliser
Deciding: What I should be focusing on at this moment
Wishing: We could turn back time and go back to the holidays.
Enjoying: The simplicities of Life and catching up with old friends. 😉
Waiting: Not really waiting on anything!
Liking: Chilling out at home pottering around and looking at my new security screens and ceiling fans.
Wondering: If I will have more freezer issues? Hope not!
Loving: Time at home with the family pottering around.
Pondering: 2017 is about all things simplicity.
Listening: Latest 'Happier with Gretchen' podcast, 'The Side Hustle' podcast by Chris Guillebeau, and whoever is on my Spotify playlist at the moment. I'm looking forward to 'Straight and Curly', and 'Let it Be'.
Considering: How to action a few things on my list of things I want to get done this year.
Buying: Nothing outside groceries at the moment - I have no desire to go shopping in any way!
Hoping: That 2017 will be a really good year for us as a family.
Marvelling: At how fast a day, a week and a month can go!
Cringing: I would love to be still on holidays! Bring back the holidays - please?!!
Needing: A little uninterrupted time to work on my projects.
Questioning: Nothing much at the moment.
Smelling: Orange and lavender essential oils.
Wearing: Singlet shirt and shorts....it's so hot!!!
Noticing: Life is so much better with the tv off.
Knowing: I'm grateful for so much in my life.
Thinking: Home improvements - I love my new screen doors and ceiling fans. What to tackle next.
Admiring: The photos on my digital photo frame - a mixture of old and new photos of family and fun holidays
Getting: Organised for the new school year, and doing some decluttering! The garage is next!
Bookmarking: Recipes, life hacks, health content, school related, and anything I find interesting
Disliking: Back to school advertising. Who really needs to be reminded every day that they need to get organised for the school year! Ban the back to school advertising is my mantra at the moment.
Opening: Email
Closing: Down pages on my facebook feed. Its wonderful to unclutter my Facebook feed.
Feeling: The holidays went far too quickly. #notemotionallyready
Hearing: The fan motor
Celebrating: Life and simplicity, oh and Jaden turned 6 recently.
Pretending: To be organized - if only I really was!
Embracing: A fresh new year!
In a few days time it will be time to say hello to February 2017! I suppose the only thing we can really do is embrace it with everything we have and do the best we can! How was your January?