Whether it's on a beach or a cruise, it's critical to take care of your skin when you're out there. The sunlight can take a toll on the skin in extreme damaging ways, but there are several ways to keep it from exposure and harmful effects. Below are a few things you can use or do to take care of your skin on the open sea.
Natural Soothers
Natural soothers are the main way to protect your skin. Not only are extremely effective, but they are also very gentle on the skin. For example, coconut oil is very helpful the goal is to moisturize. The density of the coconut oil will keep you from keeping sunburnt, but at really high temperatures, it's better to use smaller quantities as to not have the oil drip. Another natural soother that will also take care of your skin at open sea is aloe vera. Aloe vera is a natural antioxidant and antibacterial, that also acts as an anti-inflammatory so even if you do get sunburnt it'll be very useful. If you are the kind of person that likes to experience a transatlantic cruise and find yourself exposed to the sun and sea for days at a time and don't want to smell like oils, Vitamin E is also a great option. It is also an antioxidant that works as an anti-aging element. Many dermatologists recommend the use of Vitamin E even when staying indoors. It should be left on the skin for about 15 minutes or a little longer before you go, but it isn't recommended to leave on for long durations.

Chemical Sun Protectors
Sunscreen is the first choice that pops into people's minds when it comes to protecting the face from the sun. Although some people dislike the use of creams, there are sunscreens that can be sprayed on and they have the same effect. If your goal is to tan, but not to get harmed in the process, there are tanning lotions or sprays that also include some percentage of SPF, and getting the higher levels are optimum such as SPF 30 or even 50.
Things to do beforehand or while you're there
Some things to do before you go on that transatlantic cruise is to stay hydrated. Dehydration is one of the leading causes of heat strokes so it's crucial to keep a water bottle near. Something else you should bring is a cap to protect your face, and to always stay under some sort of protection, whether it's an umbrella, or to stay under the edge of the bridge of the ship or boat you're on.
Taking care of the skin is one of the most important things one must do because skin is the largest organ. UV rays are extremely harmful and can take a huge toll on the body. Taking these precautions is extremely necessary, even if the goal is to get a tan. Using these types of chemical or natural protectors exempts you from getting rashes or getting sunburnt, which will help you enjoy your time more during and after your trip.