Fashion Magazine

Take A Dip

By Koridonahue @blondeepisodes
Take A Dip
Saturday funday?  I hope you're all having a great weekend so far.  It's absolutely gorgeous here today in sunny Southern CA.  What to do with this great weather?  Why, spend some time by the pool of course! I'm really enjoying relaxing this summer.  Everyone has their pool routine, so of course I have mine...
Take A Dip
A stack of magazines (preferably Vogue)
Take A Dip
(My favorite poolside cocktail)
Take A Dip
Take A Dip
(Otter pops!)
Take A Dip
(And great girlfriends to laugh the day away!)
Take A Dip
If you love my images, come check me out on Instagram!  I post all the time!
AND----check back next week for an amazing new giveaway!  Have a great weekend!

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