Books Magazine

Tag Meme

By Selane @SummerEllenLane
Tag Meme
I was tagged in a book meme by the lovely Kris from A Book from Snowy River! The idea of this meme is to answer the tagger’s ten questions and then pass on ten of your own to ten more bloggers. It’s a fun way to keep in touch with your friends in the blogging realm. So here are the ten questions I was asked by Kris.
How did you choose the name for your blog?
Simple. I love writing, and I have a fascination with clever names. I also love the name ‘Liberty Bell,’ so I switched that around and went with “Writing Belle,’ which is French for beauty, of course. *wink*
If you could be any character in a book, who would you be and why?
I’ve often thought about this, and it occurred to me that I have a Hermione addiction. She’s one of my favorite book characters of all time, and she’s resourceful, brilliant, and courageous. And she has magical powers. The complete package, right? 
Ever since you started writing, have you met any authors of your favorite books?
Yes! I have “virtually” met P.T. Michelle, the author of The Brightest Kind of Darkness and Jennifer L. Armentrout, the author of the Lux Series and the Covenant Series. I’ve also met lots of nice new authors like Bridget Bowers and Summer Day.
What is your favorite cover art that you have seen?
 I love the cover for Tiger’s Curse, by Colleen Houck. I have an obsession with tigers.
Do you have a strict blogging schedule, or are you more relaxed?
I make it a point to post every other day, at least. It gives me time to get my books read and reviewed.
Is there a book you would love to have a sequel?
Absolutely. I’d like to see a sequel to Hourglass, by Myra McEntire, or The Eleventh Plague, by Jeff Hirsch. I actually think there are sequels in the works, so my wish might be granted.
What is your favorite book to TV show adaptation?
Definitely The Vampire Diaries. There are a few things I would personally change about the show, and although it doesn’t follow the books at all, it’s still very entertaining and contains all the core characters.
Everyone likes to shop for books differently, do you buy online or spend hours in a bookstore or library?

I browse for books online, then either go into the store and buy them or order them online. Or I get an e-book. But I get a ton of my books from the library, because mine carries new releases.

Do you prefer reading paperbacks or ebooks?
Both. I have an open mind, but I still like the smell of paper.
If you had to write a novel featuring yourself, what kind of character would you play?
Well, anything featuring me would be pretty boring, so it would have to be me somehow getting thrown into an insane situation. I’d probably play the slightly crazy book addict. Yeah. Slightly.
Now that you know all the deepest secrets of my soul we can move on. I am tagging the following blogs in this meme. If you’re tagged, feel free to keep the meme going by answering the following questions on your own blog and passing your original questions on to ten blogs!Here are the blogs I tagged: 
Confessions of a Twenty Something Fiction Writer  Bookhi INKYTOPIA Leigh Covington  A Belle's Tales  A Midsummer Night's Read  Books Over Boys  Summer Day (Pride and Princesses) Dizneeee's Wonderful World of Books  Rants 'N' Ramblings   Here are the ten questions! 
What is your favorite book to movie adaptation?2.  Who is your top book boyfriend/girlfriend?3.  What actor do you think most resembles that character?4.  If you could jump into any genre, which would it be?5.  Do you prefer to read fiction or non-fiction?6.  Pertaining to your sex, would you rather read a book that stars a male as the main character, or a female?7.  Why do you love to blog?8.  Do you like books with a sense of humor, or something more dramatic?9.  Have you ever met a famous author?      Where is your favorite place to read?  1.   

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