HBO Max in Venezuela have released a short synopsis for episodes 6 and 7, and thanks to our wonderful Spanish friend Waffels, we have managed to get a good English translation. These are very spoilery, so be warned, you will discover major plot pointers for the second half of the season, if you peek below:
Ok, deep breath and here we go:
Episode 6:
Sookie being immune to the influences of Bill then retreats to a fairy camp only accessible to fairies, Bill decides to seek Lilith so she can advise him. Eric, Pam, Nora, Jason and Jessica go to the dangerous vamp camp.
Episode 7:
Eric promises loyalty to Bill in his last effort to save Nora. A tragedy near home forces Sam to ignore the warnings of Alcide and returns to Bon Temps. Jessica shows her gratitude to James, a vampire who is imprisoned.
Lots and lots to chew on there, but still no more direct Eric and Sookie interaction. Let us know your thoughts below!
Source: HBO Max
(Special thanks to Stacey for sending us the link)