In the run-up to National Pet Day on April 11 th, a survey was recently carried out by OnePoll. Commissioned by Vetster, the survey involved polling around 2,000 workers with pets, and the results showed that since the breakout of the global pandemic and the WFH orders, huge numbers of people are now looking for pet-friendly workplaces.
For many months from March 2020 onward, many pet owners worked from home with their pets at their side over the course of the working day. For some, it made them realise how beneficial having their pet around could be when it came to their work, with many now claiming that their pets have aided everything from comfort levels and relaxation through to productivity and morale. Many have also said that they have left their job in pursuit of a more pet-friendly workplace.
Vetster, which commissioned the research, is calling for a day off for employees on National Pet Day, and this is in a bid to raise awareness of the importance of pets being around for workers and the issues highlighted in the study.
More Demand for Pet-Friendly Workplaces
Compared to before the pandemic, the demand for pet-friendly workplaces has rocketed, with the survey results showing that people now see this as far more important than they did before the pandemic. In addition, workplaces seem to be taking this on board, with more than 40 percent said to be providing access to pet supplies for employees.
A number of important points came to light as part of the study, some of which include:
- 48 percent of workers claimed to be more productive when their pet was around
- 46 percent of pet owners claimed their pets helped them to make new friends at work and were ice breakers
- Close to 40 percent of pet owners said that their pets helped them to avoid burnout
- Nearly two-thirds of pet owners said they had left a job to find work at a pet-friendly workplace
- More than two-thirds of employees said that they would be willing to take a pay cut in order to work in a pet-friendly workplace
In total, more than 70 percent of respondents were found to have made significant changes to their lives for their pets, and this included leaving their jobs.
Pets at Work: Good For Everyone
Officials from Vetster also highlighted the benefits of a pet-friendly workplace, stating that having pets around could create a positive work culture and could have a huge positive impact on anxiety levels and mental health.
Given the results of the survey, more workplaces may have to make changes to their working practices and entertain the idea of pet-friendly environments. Without being flexible on this, some may face losing valued staff members, and this could have a huge negative impact on the business.
The global pandemic changed the face of work routines, with many becoming used to the flexibility of working from home. While a lot of people have now returned to work, it appears that their pets are one of the things they are unwilling to give up.

Beach lover. SoCal dweller. Life is never over unless you surrender. Keep going, the prize IS out there.