Expat Magazine

Surprise: We Are Moving Back to Sydney!

By Floridagirlinsydney
"Well I didn't see that coming-- like a baby with a mustache."
- said by my 8 year old, when we told him about moving back to Sydney
So yes, it's official... we are moving back to Sydney!  I could not have imagined this would be happening!
And so it begins... The Re-Aussiefication of Us.
Surprise:  We Are Moving Back to Sydney!Surprise:  We Are Moving Back to Sydney!
Kind of wishing I hadn't taken him to Taco Bell for the first time recently-- shoot!
He's going to be so mad when I tell him there's no running for the border in Sydney.
And San Francisco has been amazing, their Aussies accents were gone within a couple weeks of our US return. Our boys played little league and were completely obsessed with baseball; not to mention the awesomeness of the Giants winning the World Series and the 49ers winning the Superbowl the same year we move here.  Amazing.
Surprise:  We Are Moving Back to Sydney!
Surprise:  We Are Moving Back to Sydney!
I think the dogs will be super happy too, they are Australian Labradoodles after all.   And if our luck wasn't already fantastic enough, they just changed the quarantine laws in Australia from approximately 30 days minimum to around 10 days!
Sometimes it just all goes smoothly, and you know it's really meant to be.
Surprise:  We Are Moving Back to Sydney!
In my head, moving to Sydney a second time seems infinitely less daunting, and easier in every way imaginable. We have our old barbershop, dentists, doctors, school and favorite (or "favourite" as my kids will soon relearn) brekkie spots.
I am already adjusting my lingo-- we've recently brought back words like petrol and whinge in our house (that's Aussie for "gasoline" and "whine" for my Ameri-friends), and somehow the word "jumpers" was just too ingrained in us, and had never left.
This time I know what staples to stock up on and bring with us; and conversely, what products I can easily find at Aussie Woolworths, Coles, Bondi Junction, or the glorious Costco Australia.
Here we go... Australian Adventure Part Deux.
Surprise:  We Are Moving Back to Sydney!
The boys at the Sydney Opera house, probably around 3 & 4 years old.
Surprise:  We Are Moving Back to Sydney!
Our big 8 & 10 year olds now:  gorgeous, fun, smart, hard working, and last but not least-- adaptable. 
Full steam ahead.

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