Changing your entire lifestyle to incorporate healthier foods into your diet is not always easy, especially if you have family or friends who are not interested in changing.
One of my favorite plant-based doctors, Dr. Dean Ornish, MD, explains in his book "Undo It", that to be truly healthy - we need to do the following 4 things:
Those 3 are relatively easy with the influx of vegan recipe blogs, YouTube channels, and smartphone apps. But....
This is where it gets tricky. Because after a lifetime of eating certain foods, some people see no reason to give them up.
- What's wrong with chicken? Or fish?
- What's wrong with olive oil?!
- What am I supposed to eat then?
- I'm NOT cooking! I'm way too busy to do that...
- But where will I get my protein?
- My grandma lived to be 101 eating bacon and whiskey....
- Etc.
Introducing The BNV Community!

I know for a fact that if you don't have the love, support, and encouragement of the people you love - even if it's to make positive food changes for your own personal health - you probably won't succeed.
My family and friends LAUGHED at me when I first started in 2008. My wife even got frustrated enough to throw her apron at me while yelling, "YOU are cooking then!"
The first 4-5 years of MY diet change were hard and I cheated...a lot. And because of that lack of support and my yo-yo dieting, my weight loss progress was extremely slow.
It wasn't until I started this blog in 2013, to help hold me accountable, that I really started to see a change. Dr. Ornish is RIGHT. You NEED that love and support if you truly want to succeed.
So it is with great pride that I introduce you to the BNV Community, where you can find that support from hundreds of like-minded people, just like you.
To keep it focused without any distractions I chose to create it AWAY from Facebook, so no spambots, no hackers, no cute cat videos, and NO ADS.
And most importantly of all - WE OWN IT.
What we do offer is support, motivation, and encouragement from people who "get it".
We have all the same great features of our older Facebook Group, but now with downloadable recipes, live streams, cooking demos, the ability to find people near you for meetups, threaded conversations by topic, book clubs, and so much more.
Sound like fun? It is, and the party is JUST getting started!
Join us, we'd be thrilled to have you.