If you think the same, have you tried baking my Super Soft Cinnamon Scrolls recipe that I shared previously at HERE? I reckon that they are the BEST!!! And they are made with reduced sugar icing topping. Aren't they superb!
Today, I’m going to show you how to bake the same super soft cinnamon scrolls but the sticky version. They are also made with the non-excessive amount of sugar and butter. Yet they taste really wonderful. Equally superb too!!!
My Super Soft Sticky Brown Sugar Cinnamon ScrollsMade with non-excessive amount of sugar!
Before baking these, I have tried baking sticky cinnamon rolls using the recipe from Epicurious at HERE. The sticky layer are irresistibly nice but the bread is just ok, not super soft like my Super Soft Cinnamon Scrolls that I baked at HERE. Then, I had an idea and combined the super soft bread recipe from HERE with the sticky topping recipe from HERE and I baked these…
This is my first bake using the full amount of the sticky topping from HERE. Even though the total amount of sugar added into these scrolls is significantly lesser than many other recipes, these scrolls are still very sweet!!!

My first bake using the full amount of sticky topping
These scrolls are also too wet because the super soft bread has soaked up the syrup causing the sticky layer to be soggy.
Any more imperfections? Yup because I’m fussy fussy!!! At that time of the bake, I have not perfect the shaping of the cinnamon scrolls. Now, I have! Instead of rolling the dough into a large flat sheet and cut into portions after rolling it with filling, I divided the dough into portions first and roll them into scrolls with fillings individually so that all of my scrolls are equally portioned and perfectly shaped.
So, for my next bake, I reduced the amount of sugar and syrup added and baked the breads slightly longer, 17-18 mins instead of baking them minimally for 15 mins.

My second bake using less sticky topping.
Sticky yummy and not too sweet!!!
Now, someone is happy!
This bread is sticky and not too sweet!!! If you prefer your bread to be just right with its sweetness, I would strongly suggest not to substitute the light corn syrup with any other syrups as the light corn syrup contains the least amount of sugar and has the best viscosity.
Is this bread 100% perfect with absolutely no flaws? Not exactly… Told ya. I’m fussy fussy!!! LOL! Although my bread is mostly super soft and sticky, I did noticed some parts of the bread has bits of the hard toffee especially at the corners where the oven heat is the hottest when the bread is baked..
To avoid this from happening, you should not bake the bread for more than 18 mins!
Wanna bake these yummy sticky scrolls? Watch my video and I will show how to shape the scrolls perfectly.
Oh yes. I have one last very important baking tip before sharing the video… Remember! You must grease your pan and remove the bread from the baking pan immediately after baking. Or the bread might get stuck onto the baking pan if the sticky topping solidified.
Music: Bensound

Super soft bread...

... sticky and not too sweet!
Who can resist this yummy less guilty treat?
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Makes 9 buns in one 23 cm (9 inches) square pan
For the bread dough:160g water, lukewarm50g egg, weight without the shell, at room temperature (about 1 extra-large eggs but please use the exact weight)1 tbsp vanilla paste or extract300g bread flour with 12% protein20g caster sugar2g salt20g milk powder - Do not replace milk powder and water with milk!45g unsalted butter, softened at room temperature1 tsp instant yeast
For the sticky brown sugar topping:35g dark muscovado sugar or dark brown sugar35g light corn syrup - Do not substitute with honey or golden syrup or other ingredients!10g unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly
For the brown sugar cinnamon filling:30g dark muscovado sugar or dark brown sugar1 tbsp ground cinnamon40g unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly - for brushing
For egg wash:1 egg yolk1 tsp milk
extra butter or vegetable oil spray to grease baking panextra bread flour for dusting and shaping
For the bread dough:If you are using a breadmaker to knead and prove the dough, add all ingredients into the breadmaker according to this order. Use "dough" setting to mix and knead dough for 30 mins or until the dough is elastic and stretchy. Allow the dough prove for 1 hr or until doubled in size.
If you are using an electric mixer with an hook attachment to knead, combine all ingredients except butter in the mixing bowl and mix at low speed until a soft dough forms. Then, knead in the butter until incorporated. Continue to knead at low speed for at least 25 mins or until the dough is elastic. It is important that the dough has to be elastic and stretchy. Cover the dough and allow the dough to prove in a warm and humid place for about 1 hr or until doubled in size.
Grease one 23cm (9 inches) square pan with butter or vegetable oil spray.
For the sticky brown sugar topping, combine 35g dark muscovado sugar, 35g corn syrup and 10g melted butter and mix into a smooth paste. Transfer all of the topping mixture into the greased pan. Tilt pan to all sides to spread topping mixture over its bottom evenly or mainly in the center of the pan. Set aside.
Using your lightly floured hands, divide dough into 9 equal portions (about 67g each) on well-floured surfaces. Pull, stretch and shape all portions into smooth balls and allow them to rest for about 10 mins.
Use a rolling pin to roll each dough into long narrow strip as thin as possible. For the brown sugar cinnamon filling, combine dark muscovado sugar and ground cinnamon. Brush one side of the rolled dough with melted butter, then sprinkle about 1-2g dark muscovado sugar-cinnamon mixture evenly on the brushed side. Fold the top one-third of dough along its lengthwise, then fold the bottom one-third of dough along its lengthwise too. Brush one side of the dough with melted butter again, then sprinkle about 1-2g dark muscovado sugar-cinnamon mixture evenly on the brushed side.
Pick one shorter side of the dough and roll it tightly like a Swiss roll. Repeat this shaping step for the remaining portions of the dough and arrange them in the prepared pan with its nicely folded rolled side facing up. Press the top of the dough lightly to form an even surface.
Allow the bread to rise in a warm and humid place for another 1 hr or until doubled in size.
Preheat the oven 350°F or 180°C.
For the egg wash, combine egg yolk and milk. Brush bread with egg wash.
Bake for 17-18 mins or until golden brown and thoroughly baked inside. If the top of the breads are becoming brown too quickly, cover the breads very loosely with aluminum foil at the last 5-10 mins of bake and continue to bake until thoroughly baked. Do not bake the bread for more than 18 mins as over-baking will cause the sticky topping to become hard toffee when the bread is cooled. Remove from the oven and transfer onto a wire rack immediately to cool slightly or completely. Enjoy!
Store any leftover in an airtight container at room temperature when they are completely cooled so that they will remain soft and moist even on the next day. Alternatively, you can store the scrolls in zip-lock bags, then in a freezer for up to 2 weeks. If you are consuming the scrolls on the next day or so, I suggest that you should warm the scrolls using a microwave with high power for 20 secs. If the scrolls are frozen, thaw them in a fridge overnight then microwave with high power for 20 secs for each scroll just before consumption. I promise. The scrolls will be super soft, moist and syrupy just like they have been freshly baked.
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