If you are looking for the reviews of Chronomite SR-40 240v Instant-Flow SR Tankless Water Heater, here is the place that get you to the cheapest price and distrubute you some interesting feature and product overview before deciding to buy Chronomite SR-40 240v Instant-Flow SR Tankless Water Heater.
Chronomite SR-40 240v Instant-Flow SR Tankless Water Heater Reviews
Chronomite SR-40 240v Instant-Flow SR Tankless Water HeaterChronomite Tankless Electric Water HeatersSince 1966, Chronomite Laboratories Inc. has been the innovative leader in providing solutions for commercial and industrial tankless plumbing applications.Chronomite was the first to patent a microprocessor technology which allows for a pre-set or controlled output temperature that delivers unlimited hot water without risk of scalding-in two seconds as opposed to the six seconds required by other tankless water heaters. Chronomite is installed at point of use and is only operational when hot water is streaming through the plumbing, dramatically reducing hot water delivery time and misuse of electricity.More efficiency means less water and energy use, which is 50 percent more efficient than similar instantaneous water heaters, and 98 percent more energy efficient compared to conventional tank water heaters. The compact, easy-to install unit provides multiple hookups and endless solutions to projects with limited space and access. At only the size of a standard dictionary, Chronomite tankless water heaters are well hidden for aesthetic appeal, and easily placed within a specially designed compartment underneath Acorn hand washing systems and basins.Chronomite also integrates energy and water savings with cost savings and many features which contribute to a safer environment. With Chronomite, gas leaks are eliminated, and the self-cleaning feature of the microprocessor technology prevents alkali and calcification buildup, so there is less possibility for tank corrosion and flooding and less maintenance and operational costs.Applications:Public Lavatory, Non-Public Lavatory, Dishwasher, Kitchen / Bar Sink, Service Sink, Scrub Sink, Shower, Special Applications, Photo Processing Facilities, Manufacturing Facilities, Schools, Colleges & Universities, Hospitals, Restaurants.Accessory package:OMNI flow control, 3 adaptors and 1 compression fitting.Plumbed-In-Para.
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Did You Know Its Features, “Chronomite SR-40 240v Instant-Flow SR Tankless Water Heater”
- Chronomite
- SR-40
- Electric Point of Use Tankless Water Heaters
- White
Where Can I Find More Info on “Chronomite SR-40 240v Instant-Flow SR Tankless Water Heater”?
Chronomite SR-40 240v Instant-Flow SR Tankless Water Heater is in the discount price on Amazon. At this time, It is in the Low Price Guarantee program. I’ve checked out the prices with other online shopping, Amazon offers the unbeatable price especially with free shipping option and 30 day refund.
Reference Website : Chronomite SR-40 240v Instant-Flow SR Tankless Water Heater
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