Diaries Magazine

Super Nature Superfoods

By Danielleabroad @danielleabroad
Healthy, it's an elusive concept. My definition? Being healthy is spending time with people I love; eating food I enjoy, food that nourishes me in the ways I need nourishing; falling asleep soundly and dreaming for 7+ hours; taking every opportunity to use my legs to explore, my arms to carry, and my core to hold it all together; taking alone time to reflect, rejuvenate; letting myself cry sometimes, but trying to laugh more often than not. To me, being healthy is being happy, and in that happiness, treating myself and all around me well. super nature superfoods My individual understanding of "healthy" becomes especially interesting when I place it in a distinct cultural context. Previously, it's been Ecuadorian, Chilean, and French... and now, even more specifically, it's Parisian. There are characteristics that remind me of the New York healthy food scene: organic open-air markets, green juice bars, vegetarian cafés. And then there are others that are distinctly Parisian: 3-course, prix-fixe brunches with dessert, for instance.. This morning's meal at Super Nature comes to mind.
super nature superfoods Boy have I been craving healthy, in every sense of the word. The craziness of these past few weeks has meant lots and lots of mental stimulation, but it's also meant less girls nights, green vegetables, and quality rest. I've been sitting at my desk more often than not and stress-induced insomnia has all but replaced a good night's sleep. I can tell, too. I feel sluggish, breakouts have been more frequent and my clothes don't fit quite like they used to. And it's because the Hive last weekend that I reflected on it.
super nature superfoods Believe it or not, I used to be "a healthy living" blogger. I studied nutrition, ran a few races, and drank a ton of green smoothies. And then, at some point, I lost interest. I wanted to be able to embrace travel and food without worrying about whether or not it fit my narrow view of what was "good for me." I never stopped caring though. Because the thing is, if we don't feel our best, we can't possibly enjoy all the goodness around us. So, this is my pledge to focus on healthy living a little bit more in these weeks to come. It is possible to embrace healthy in a (dare I say it) healthier way, in Paris and not. And with that, I'm off to bed. Looking forward to cleaner eats and exercise tomorrow.

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