Entertainment Magazine

Super Bowl Sunday

Posted on the 04 February 2014 by Renee Mcdonald
 So, the talk is about this past Superbowl Sunday...

Super Bowl Sunday

Rick Ross

Super Bowl Sunday

Floyd Mayweather

And it's being said that Floyd Mayweather lost 10 million dollars in his bet against the Seattle Seahawks and the Broncos, while others are talking about Rick Ross....

Super Bowl Sunday

Warren Sapp

And him winning a supposedly hundred thousand dollars bet  between the teams with Hall of Famer Warren Sapp...
None the less, I'm talking about the half time show with Bruno Mars featuring the Red Hot Chili Peppers!! It was an amazing halftime show, one of the best since Janet Jackson's and Justin Timberlake's wardrobe malfunction back in 2004 at SuperBowl XXXVlll.. 
Super Bowl Sunday

The song's Bruno Mars performed, along with his choreography and his song choice, was the perfect choice for the halftime show...My favorite was when he perform treasure, bringing the football stadium to pandemonium, but then it got even Better! 

Super Bowl Sunday
The Red Hot Chili Peppers came out and performed their number one singles back in 1991 titled "Give it away, which couldn't make the night any better than that, in my opinion. Unless you where someone who bet on the Seahawks...
So, with everybody talking about the Superbowl it was an amazing  halftime show the Seahawks did win as well as Rick Ross and a handful of others, but this years half time show to me will be remembered as a "Treasure " in itself.
Thanks for reading my blog
"Treasure! That Is What You Are" ;.p
                                                          Halftime Show Performance 

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