Super Bowl LII (52) is coming up... and that means it's time to start planning out the bets we'll be making for Sunday!
We've combed the internet to find some of our favourite musical performance prop bets that can be made for the big game, and we want to see how you would bet on them.
Use the polls to make your choices for these 10 musical performance prop bets, and leave a comment telling us which bet is your lock/best bet/sure thing.
Oh, and don't forget to make your choice on the bonus question to tell us who you think will win Super Bowl LII in Minnesota on Sunday, February 4, 2018.
* if you are going to place bets and gamble on the Super Bowl, or anything else, please be responsible and have fun. * these polls are designed as entertainment only and is not a gambling instrument or offer.Super Bowl LII Pre-Game Prop Bets
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Super Bowl LII Halftime Show Prop Bets

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