Sunday Surfing is my weekly feature (inspired by Chrisbookarama‘s Friday Bookish Buzz, which is one of my favourite features) where I share my favourite links from during the week, about books and blogging. Plus a little about what’s happened on the blog this week.
Let’s get started.
Around the web this week
The Cover for the Illustrated Edition of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was Revealed
And So Were the US and UK Covers of Go Set a Watchman.
Things You Can Do With Your Kindle. I didn’t know you can take a screen shot, that could be helpful
Books With Strong Female Characters
The Finalists for the International Booker Prize Were Revealed
The Game of Thrones TV Series Will Spoil the Books
And on the blog this week…
The kids read ‘Incy-Wincy Spider’
I talked about Cover Art and New Covers