Diaries Magazine
Welcome to the new Sunday feature on erratic glamour! Please contain your excitement. Basically, Six for Sunday was starting to grate on me, sometimes I don't have 6 specific topics - that are interesting - to discuss. A general post sans structure works better for me. I can ramble to my hearts content without sitting searching for a number 5!
This week wasn't overly busy really. I had a few bits on but mostly my time was taken up by work. I started French lessons on Wednesday night which went really well. It is surprising how much you actually remember, the last time I did french was about 7 years ago at school but I remembered bits and pieces. Wednesday was also curry night, I'm not a massive spicy food fan but this curry with a wee glass of wine went down an absolute treat. Be going back there again when the curry cravings come.
A nasty little cold that is doing the rounds in the office finally got to me and due to a horrible cough I managed to ping my back - on going back problem means it is easy to re injure! - so I spent Friday night and most of Saturday resting and trying to shift both. Luckily I am feeling better today apart from a few little pangs of pain and my cough still hanging about I moved myself and went out. I went to Napiers which is a Herbalist here in Edinburgh to get some jojoba oil for my face as I hear it is good for dry skin especially dry skin that appeared due to my own silly choice of using a product I know doesn't agree with my skin! I also picked up some tea tree oil for my face so hopefully my skin will pull it's act together soon. Once I had got my oils, I headed to get my rook pierced - picture here. I had been putting it off for ages but today I was really in the mood to go and get it done so I told myself this frame of mind is the time to get it done and I did. I love it! Getting pierced is so addictive. I should have believed the piercer when she said I'll see you next time!
Happy Sunday!