Books Magazine

Sunday Reflections – 7 August 2016 – Summer is Essentially Over

By Whatsheread

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Happy Sunday!!

Remember those glorious weekends where we had nothing on the calendar, and I reveled in being a hermit? Yeah. Those are officially done. We might have one or two now and then from now until the end of June, but they are going to be few and far between. They were nice while they lasted.

So what is keeping us busy now? Holly has two different dance classes today. Plus, there is the fall sports team meeting tonight. Next weekend is Holly’s first Irish dance competition in Dayton. The week after that is…something that is failing my memory right now. Fall dance registration. The first cross-country meet. Budget season for 2017. Doctors’ appointments. Middle school transition. Sounds fun, eh?

Speaking of fun, Connor just finished his week-long band camp. Eight hours of marching band for five days does not sound like fun to me, but he loves it. I know he loves being a drum major and having the authority to “have a voice” on the field. We caught a brief preview of this year’s show, and it looks pretty darn good after one week. I can’t wait to see the full show once they know it and have a chance to polish it.

Marching band kept him busy this week, but he still managed to attend to his duties as cross-country captain during practices. Holly has also taken to cross-country. Their practices are at 7 AM three times a week. You might think that getting up that early during the summer would be an issue for them, but I never have to worry about them waking up and getting ready in time for practice. They have not missed a single practice, nor have they been late. I am taking it as a sign that they really do love it!

Holly’s audition went really well last week. There is another one today that she wants to attend. It is not mandatory, but I know the team directors will look favorably on anyone who attends both. Honestly, I don’t think she wants to go to impress the coaches. She just wants another excuse to dance. That’s my girl!

Friday was Holly’s birthday, and yesterday was our birthday shopping day. It has been a long time since I’ve spent any time shopping in person, but she was a trooper. She zeroed in on the sales racks and cleaned up on some amazing deals. The 70s/90s fashion redux that was in all the stores fits her personality perfectly. Judging by her face when she was modeling all of the clothes for us last night, she is just as excited to wear them as she was to buy them. I know I had a blast spending time with her yesterday outside of the dance world and loved watching her negotiate the adult world with confidence.

On the site for the past week, here is what I posted in case you missed them the first time:

Since Holly and I spent the day playing yesterday, it means I have to adult today while the kids are gone. What I want to do is watch the Olympics, but the household will not run on watching others in sporting events. Sadly. At least it gives me incentive to get things done as soon as possible, right?

I hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday doing whatever makes them happy. Have a great week, and I’ll see you here next week!

Sunday Reflections – 7 August 2016 – Summer is Essentially Over
Sunday Reflections – 7 August 2016 – Summer is Essentially Over
Sunday Reflections – 7 August 2016 – Summer is Essentially Over
Sunday Reflections – 7 August 2016 – Summer is Essentially Over
Sunday Reflections – 7 August 2016 – Summer is Essentially Over
Sunday Reflections – 7 August 2016 – Summer is Essentially Over
Sunday Reflections – 7 August 2016 – Summer is Essentially Over
Sunday Reflections – 7 August 2016 – Summer is Essentially Over
Sunday Reflections – 7 August 2016 – Summer is Essentially Over
Sunday Reflections – 7 August 2016 – Summer is Essentially Over
Sunday Reflections – 7 August 2016 – Summer is Essentially Over
Sunday Reflections – 7 August 2016 – Summer is Essentially Over

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